Introduction to solids
Introduction to solids: A few weeks before to just after 6 months, guided by infant’s readiness (CPS Caring for Kids), start iron containing foods to avoid iron deficiency. A variety of soft texture foods, ranging from purees to finger foods, can be introduced.
Allergenic foods: For all infants, including those at high risk for allergies, allergenic foods (especially eggs and peanut products) can be introduced with other solids around 6 months, but not before 4 months, as guided by the infant’s signs of readiness. Once allergenic solids are introduced, they should be fed a few times a week to maintain tolerance.
Timing of introduction (CPS) | Allergy check | Food Allergy Canada
Avoid Honey
Avoid honey until 1 year of age to prevent botulism.
Fish consumption
Fish consumption: 2 servings/week of low mercury fish: Fish consumption and mercury (HC)